Technical Blog: scripting

Migrating Configuration Files

14-Aug-2024, 08:00 GMT | Tags: RPA, RPA-4, scripting

Migrating Configuration Files.

Configuration files created for earlier versions of RPA 2.x are not compatible with the JSON format used in RPA 4. A command-line scripting utility script is provided to facilitate the migration of existing configuration files to the new JSON format.

Using server mode of Scripting Utility with CURL, Scilab, and Octave

25-Oct-2021, 10:00 GMT | Tags: RPA-C, scripting

Since RPA-C v.2.0.0, the scripting utility supports a server mode which can be used to integrate the RPA-C with third-party tools via HTTP interface.

Embedding RPA Scripting Utility into third-party applications

29-Jul-2017, 21:00 GMT | Tags: RPA, scripting

Scripting utility can be embedded into third-party software using provided simple API.

After embedding the scripting utility, the third-party application may

  • Load and execute external RPA script
  • Execute RPA script from given string
  • Access objects within the scripting context, modify properties and obtain results


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